Teeth Cleaning Vs. Teeth Whitening – Know the Difference

Teeth Cleaning Vs. Teeth Whitening – Know the Difference

Often people confuse teeth cleaning with Teeth whitening. But, teeth cleaning and teeth whitening are two different types of dental procedures that have different goals. While teeth whitening Sydney is done for cosmetic reasons, teeth cleaning are done as part of oral care regime to maintain your oral health and keep dental problems at bay. Yes, teeth cleaning are essential for the health of your teeth and gums, whereas teeth whitening procedures are done to remove stains from the teeth to enhance your smile.

What is teeth cleaning Sydney?

A professional tooth cleaning is done by the dentist, and it is very different from the regular cleaning of your teeth at home. The primary goal of this procedure is to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth as it is the leading cause of gum disease. If left untreated, the disease can progress where you might lose your tooth. While professional teeth cleaning should be done every 6 months, people who are suffering from gum infection must do it often or according to the dentist’s guidance. Vising the dentist for every 6 months for professional cleanings ensure clean and healthy teeth and also allows the dentist to take preventives measures to avoid dental problems.

Benefits of teeth cleaning

  • Prevent and relief from gum infection
  • Keep dental decay at bay
  • Relief from bad breath
  • Detect dental problems, like oral cancer, decay, and other problems at early stage before it worsens
  • Keep your gums and teeth healthy

Poor oral hygiene is linked with some serious illness. It not only affects your oral health but also significantly impact overall wellbeing as well. Regular dental check-ups along with professional cleaning can go a long towards protecting your teeth and gums.

What is teeth whitening and how it helps you?

The primary objective of teeth whitening procedure is completely different from teeth cleaning. Yes, teeth whitening is done to make your teeth look better, whiter, and brighter. Teeth whitening is done to remove the stains on the teeth caused by drinking coffee, smoking, and other activities that stain your teeth. This procedure doesn’t offer any health benefits like teeth cleaning and is mainly done for cosmetic and aesthetic purposes. However, you should be aware that professional teeth whitening Sydney is the best option rather than opting for over-the-counter teeth whitening kit as it is not safe. Home teeth whitening kit can damage your teeth if not done properly.

Benefits of teeth whitening

  • Boost your self-confidence
  • Get a whiter & brighter smile
  • Your mouth will be healthier
  • A bright smile means a bright future

Need help in choosing the procedure? Our affordable dentist Sydney will give you a better idea of how these procedures differ and which is suitable for you.

